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The EZ Test Heroin enables analysis of a suspect substance to check teh purity of Heroin.
Unavailable for over 2 years now, they're back and better than ever - CHEAPER, MORE ACCURATE, MORE PORTABLE AND SAFER!
il Kit Test Droga per Cannabinoidi Sintetici è un’aggiunta recente alla gamma EZ Test in grado di testare la presenza di vari cannabinoidi sintetici, come Spice, K2 e altri incensi officinali (JWH-250, JWH-200, CP-55/940, JWH-018/073/081, CP-47/497, AM-694). Il cambio di colore corrisponderà al foglietto illustrativo e alla tabella colori inclusi.
The THC Drug Testing Kit is a recent addition to the EZ Test range which solely tests for THC. The colour change will correspond to the information sheet and colour chart included.
The MCPP test is a new addition to the EZ test range and was introduced specifically to identify more recent ‘herbal high' or 'research chemicals’ containing piperazines (otherwise known as PEP's) and MCPP.
The Mandelin is one of the more recent additions to the EZ test range and was introduced to help indicate the presence of Ketamine or PMA.
EZ Test kit tests for the presence of GHB.
The Synthetic Cannabinoids Drug Testing Kit is a recent addition to the EZ Test range which tests for various synthetic cannabinoids, such as Spice, K2 and other herbal incences (JWH-250, JWH-200, CP-55/940, JWH-018/073/081, CP-47/497, AM-694). The colour change will correspond to the information sheet and colour chart included.
The Mecke test was one of the original kits from the EZ test range and was originally developed to identify heroin and morphine. It also reacts to Ecstasy and is helpful for indicating DXM (which is growing in use in the USA), and any of the 2-CT-xx family.