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Robadope Reagent for Primary Amines 5 Use Drug Testing Kit

Product Code: EZ-ROBADOPE-5 tests

Disponibilità: Non disponibile

Robadope Reagent for Primary Amines 5 Use Drug Testing Kit

Recensisci per primo questo prodotto

14,58 A$


This EZ Test Kit is intended to test for the presence of primary amines. The Robadope reagent is a mixture of water, acetone, sodium nitroprusside, and sodium carbonate.

Robadope reagent is used to test for the presence of 2C-B, PMMA vs PMA, MDMA vs MDA, or Meth/amphetamine, however, it is also a good test for DOx and other primary amines. No reaction is caused by PMMA, Methamphetamine, MDMA, Mephedrone, Caffeine and many other substances (or lack of active ingredient). Robadope can only test for the presence, not the purity or quantity of a specific substance.

It will show a quick reaction to lavender/pink/purple with primary amines: amphetamine, PMA, MDA, DOx, MDPV.

Instructions for use:

  • Open the ampoule
  • Add the liquid from the tube
  • Add a small piece of the sample to be tested
  • Watch the reaction and compare the test result to the colour chart included
  • Dispose the test safely and responsibly

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Test Type No
Test Included No
Use to test No
Screens for No
Number of ampoules No
Manufacturer EZ TEST

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