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31-40 of 49

  • 05.10.21 0 Posted By W.T
    According to the latest data, there's been a surge in instances of dangerous adulterants and cutting agents in drugs across the U.K. Here are the most common.Read More
  • 30.06.21 0

    Mots clés:

    Posted By W.T.
    It’s now 2021 and the night time scene is starting to come alive again. The world has mostly been in lockdown, and as the doors are starting to open up again, the world of Cocaine and partying is bouncing back. People have been locked down for a long time, people want to go out and enjoy themselves once again. Chances are you have seen users of cocaine in your local pub. Taking frequent trips to the bathroom, maybe 2 or 3 mates at a time, the overexcited person wiping their nose as they re-emerge, pupils large and chatty as hell. It could be Saturday afternoon whilst watching the football, it could even be a weeknight, not just the weekend. Taking a gram of coke out with you is becoming as normal as taking your face mask. Cocaine has gone from the city bankers in London to the rural pubs in sleepy villages. Cocaine is as easy to have delivered as a take-away meal is!Read More
  • 10.06.21 0 Posted By W.T.
    As most of the world’s night scene has been non-existent for the past 12 months there has been no release, no associating with others. We’ve not been able to enjoy the weekend at the pub, finishing off at a club and having that release. Maybe your buzz is Cocaine, MDMA or even Amphetamine when you’re on a night out, but there have been no nights out for over 12 months now. But all that is likely about to change...Read More
  • Three years on and I’m revisiting Synthetic Cannabinoids. Or as they are known, Synthetic Cannabinoid Receptors Agonists (SCRA’s). When I last spoke about them three years ago, it was about the differences between synthetic cannabis and the homegrown Cannabis that was prevalent at the time. I did not think I would now be writing about how synthetics have infiltrated the homegrown Cannabis market in 2021.

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  • 27.02.17 0 Posted By Jake
    Au cours des dernières années et surtout dans le courant 2016, d'autres essais ont été effectués pour tester les effets des substances anciennement interdites en tant que médicaments de remplacement ou d’alternatifs pour diverses maladies ou conditions.Read More
  • 27.02.17 0 Posted By Jake
    Eztest kits ont une offre promotionnelle incroyable juste pour vous en ce moment !Read More
  • 27.02.17 0 Posted By Jake
    L'alcool est partout. Mais ne devrait-il pas l’être ?Read More
  • 27.02.17 0 Posted By Jake
    Les drogues sont beaucoup plus courantes que beaucoup de gens voudraient admettre, et leur usage ne fait qu’augmenter, des avertissements de leurs effets secondaires sont plâtrés partout dans les news et sur internet comme un moyen de dissuader les gens de les utiliser. Mais ces faits n’éclipsent-ils pas réellement des soucis plus sérieux, moins annoncés entourant le sujet ?Read More
  • 27.02.17 0 Posted By Jake
    C’est aujourd’hui une connaissance largement répandue que la marijuana a des propriétés qui peuvent être utilisées par la profession médicale pour traiter des choses telles que la douleur chronique, les troubles convulsifs, la perte de poids et la douleur nerveuse. Cependant, de nouvelles études (qu'elles soient réelles ou fausses) identifient maintenant certaines drogues illicites comme de potentiels médicaments, mais le public se sent-il en accord avec ça ?Read More
  • 27.02.17 0 Posted By Jake
    La plupart des gens se sont vu dire «il suffit de dire non» au moins une fois dans leur vie quand il s’agissait de drogues.Read More
Par ordre croissant

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