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  • 30.11.16 0 Posted By Jake
    Drugs are much more common than a lot of people would like to admit, and usage numbers are only getting higher, but are the risks shown in the media really what should be focused on?Read More
  • 30.11.16 0 Posted By Jake
    In some places medical marijuana is now legal, but will it lead the way for more drugs?Read More
  • 30.11.16 0 Posted By Jake
    For most people at least once in their life they have been told ‘just say no’ when it comes to drugs, but is this the right approach?Read More
  • 22.09.16 0 Posted By Jake
    Most countries hide and ban drug use, trying to rule it out and get rid of the idea of usage and addictions completely, without much success. Drugs have now become and underground ‘illicit’ practice that is in fact more dangerous and more successful because of the laws banning the substances.Read More
  • 22.09.16 0 Posted By Jake
    ‘Overdose’ deaths are on the rise and it’s a wide known fact that drugs are a huge problem, in nearly every country, town or city in the world, there are endless news articles, help lines and statistics such as the ones below, announcing that drugs are everywhere and an issue.Read More
  • 22.09.16 0 Posted By Jake
    Anyone know if there are going to be sniffer dogs at this weekend’s festival? This is a common question asked leading up to any music, dance or young community festival, in reality all or most festivals have sniffer dogs and pat down checks as you enter, everyone is aware of them and they are frequently asked about before an upcoming event, usually by people asking whether it’s safe to bring drugs into that particular event without detection.Read More
  • 08.09.16 0 Posted By Salma Haidrani (Broadly)
    Research shows that most people don't know what's in the drugs they consume. We took some drug testing kits to a dance music festival to find out.Read More
  • 16.05.16 0 Posted By Christopher Blunt
    There has been a lot of hype recently about the “deadly” PM(M)A (para-Methoxy-N-methylamphetamine) and new ultra-strong MDMA pills going round Britain’s club scene. Leading drug charity Dancesafe described the new pills, some embossed with the ‘UPS’ logo, as “potentially harmful because they are so strong”.Read More
  • 12.05.16 0 Posted By Kat Collins (BBC Newsbeat)
    DIY drug testing kits have gone on sale at Newcastle University and other colleges so that students can see what's in the pills they might take. They're being sold for £3 by the students' union and follows a rise in deaths linked to PMA or PMMA, sometimes found in drugs sold as ecstasy or MDMA.Read More
  • 10.05.16 0 Posted By Simon Doherty (VICE)
    People who run universities know what students are like. They have to deal with them day-in, day-out. With their sick and their STDs and their terrible taste in wall art. Conveniently, thanks to all that experience, they also know how to help out: they warn against binge drinking, constantly reminding you not to down your entire weekly alcohol allowance before going out on a Monday night.Read More
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