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  • 04.08.17 0 Posted By Jake
    Many are aware of the dangers that drugs pose. There is the danger of drugs being cut with dangerous substances that are sometimes worse than the original drugs themselves but this is not the only danger drugs pose.Read More
  • 28.07.17 0 Posted By Jake
    You may think that you don’t need to worry about cutting agents, after all they’re mostly harmless substitutes right? Wrong. Unfortunately many of the adulterants you will find in drugs can be incredibly harmful, and unsurprisingly they can vary for each different kind of drug.Read More
  • 21.07.17 0 Posted By Jake
    An emerging popular opinion is that there are better options that help addicts found in possession of drugs to become clean whilst avoiding a prison sentence.Read More
  • 14.07.17 0 Posted By Jake
    A trend that is becoming increasingly more popular as time goes on, with many people talking about its positive effects, but what exactly is microdosing?Read More
  • 07.07.17 0 Posted By Jake
    Recreational drugs are made out by the media and many people as the most unsafe substances in the world. But who actually knows what is in the pills and medicines they are happily paying for and collecting over the counter at a pharmacy and why do so many seem to ignore the high addiction rates of some of these medications.Read More
  • 30.06.17 0 Posted By Jake
    The war on drugs is looking more and more like a hopeless cause with each day that passes. But can our approach be changed to fit other countries ideals that reduce drug abuse through education and support of those who do use drugs?Read More
  • 23.06.17 0 Posted By Jake
    When you hear that a country has a drug problem what usually comes to mind is the typical ‘Too much use in our population’ scenario. But for once Canada is proving us wrongRead More
  • 14.06.17 0 Posted By Jake
    Whatever festival anyone decides to visit they will run into familiar features of each event, the culture of these festivals differ depending on their music genre but many things do stay the same. For example, the feeling of community, a refreshing music experience in the wilderness, nightmarish portable toilets and the high possibility of encountering drugs.Read More
  • 02.06.17 0 Posted By Jake
    Thinking of visiting your favourite festival this year but don't want to risk the harsh drug rules? Good news! You may not have to.Read More
  • 25.05.17 0 Posted By Jake
    Cannabis is currently illegal to possess and use in the UK. But should harsh laws be relaxed to allow for scientific testing of its medicinal benefits?Read More
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