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  • 28.07.17 0 Posted By Jake
    You may think that you don’t need to worry about cutting agents, after all they’re mostly harmless substitutes right? Wrong. Unfortunately many of the adulterants you will find in drugs can be incredibly harmful, and unsurprisingly they can vary for each different kind of drug.Read More
  • 04.08.17 0 Posted By Jake
    Many are aware of the dangers that drugs pose. There is the danger of drugs being cut with dangerous substances that are sometimes worse than the original drugs themselves but this is not the only danger drugs pose.Read More
  • 11.08.17 0 Posted By Jake
    In any situation, pairing drugs with alcohol can amplify their effects to alarming levels.Read More
  • 18.08.17 0 Posted By Jake
    There is a strong difference between casual use of drugs and addiction to them. However transitioning between one and the other is easier than some may think, many don't even realise they are becoming addicted to something until it's too late.Read More
  • 25.08.17 0 Posted By Jake
    The possibility of having a bad experience on drugs is always there, no matter how many times someone has taken a substance or how many different ones they have tried. For this reason it is important for people who decide to use a substance to stay in the company of someone who can help them out if things start to go wrong.Read More
  • Three years on and I’m revisiting Synthetic Cannabinoids. Or as they are known, Synthetic Cannabinoid Receptors Agonists (SCRA’s). When I last spoke about them three years ago, it was about the differences between synthetic cannabis and the homegrown Cannabis that was prevalent at the time. I did not think I would now be writing about how synthetics have infiltrated the homegrown Cannabis market in 2021.

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  • 10.06.21 0 Posted By W.T.
    As most of the world’s night scene has been non-existent for the past 12 months there has been no release, no associating with others. We’ve not been able to enjoy the weekend at the pub, finishing off at a club and having that release. Maybe your buzz is Cocaine, MDMA or even Amphetamine when you’re on a night out, but there have been no nights out for over 12 months now. But all that is likely about to change...Read More
  • 30.06.21 0


    Posted By W.T.
    It’s now 2021 and the night time scene is starting to come alive again. The world has mostly been in lockdown, and as the doors are starting to open up again, the world of Cocaine and partying is bouncing back. People have been locked down for a long time, people want to go out and enjoy themselves once again. Chances are you have seen users of cocaine in your local pub. Taking frequent trips to the bathroom, maybe 2 or 3 mates at a time, the overexcited person wiping their nose as they re-emerge, pupils large and chatty as hell. It could be Saturday afternoon whilst watching the football, it could even be a weeknight, not just the weekend. Taking a gram of coke out with you is becoming as normal as taking your face mask. Cocaine has gone from the city bankers in London to the rural pubs in sleepy villages. Cocaine is as easy to have delivered as a take-away meal is!Read More
  • 13.07.21 0 Posted By W.T

    The British government has released the second phase of an independent review into drug misuse, and, unsurprisingly, the results are damning.

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  • 23.07.21 0 Posted By Kyle Connolly

    A bad trip can be incredibly dangerous, both physically and mentally. There's no way to plan for one, but here are a few steps on how to handle a bad trip.

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