After we’ve all been locked down the last year and a half, the party is back.

MDMA has been a mainstay of dancefloors across the world for decades now. Depending on where you are, it’s called ecstasy, or Molly, or Monday, or a variation of all three.

As MDMA is illegal and thus irregulated, anything sold as “Molly” or “Ecstasy” could range from being pure MDMA to a capsule made of everything but DMA. Molly is perhaps the most misunderstood, mixed, and matched drug available because there’s really no way of telling what exactly is in your powder or pill.

Why is Molly Dangerous?

A mix of unknown chemicals can be toxic. The formulas that make up the pills you’ve just bought are ever-changing, often made with little thought on the long-term health hazards they may possess.

The dealer may call it “pure,” but “pure” doesn’t mean safe. 

Usually, Molly comes in powder, crystalline, or tablet form instead of ecstasy, typically only sold as tablets. The truth is both contain several psychogenic additives, and without testing, there’s no way to know what’s in there. Even the “purest MDMA” is dangerous. 

What is Molly cut with?

Other than the main active ingredient MDMA, a Molly cap may contain some psychoactive substances that imitate the effects of MDMA, like MDA (methylenedioxy amphetamine) or “sass” or “bath salts,” which is a blanket term for cathinones, amphetamine-type stimulants. 

Other substances like caffeine, methamphetamine, amphetamines may be included, and sometimes even ketamine (or Special K) and dextromethorphan, found in cough medicines. 

Why Do People Cut Molly?

MDMA’s popularity in the 90s saw it targeted by legal authorities; this made its manufacturing harder and harder. People soon discovered other, more easily acquired substances mimicked the effect of MDMA, and so, people found more ways to produce it.

Because black market drugs have 0 quality control, Molly can be made up of any cocktail of substances. The goal of a drug dealer is profit, not safety or even quality. So buying Molly, especially from an unknown source, can be very dangerous.

How to take Molly safely:

Firstly, don’t mix Molly with any other substances. As you’re already ingesting an unknown mix of substances, adding another can be fatal. MDMA dehydrates you, so mixing alcohol or even coffee can quickly cause you to overhear. Molly is a stimulant, and there’s no way of knowing how your body will react if you combine it with different drugs.

Try a smaller dose to judge its effects, and remember that it usually has a delayed reaction. If you’re going to buy Molly, get from someone you’ve met before and that you can trust to an extent.

When you buy Molly from strangers, you cannot know their intentions.

Drink a lot of water and do not to Molly alone. MDMA can make uncomfortable situations even worse, so only take it somewhere you feel safe and can make an easy exit from.

Test your Molly with an Ez Test Kit. If you want to know whether or not your Molly contains MDMA, then get an MDMA purity test, which breaks down how much MDMA is present in your Molly. 

Additionally, the Marquis Test identifies the presence of substances like DXM, opiates, MDA, amphetamines, and more using a colour chart. If you’re taking or planning on buying some Molly, the Marquis test will let you know what other substances are present. 

Stay safe.